Thursday, December 18, 2014

New Commission Meeting Standards - New Auditor

The Foster County Commissioners met on Tuesday, December 16, 2014 at 8:30 a.m. in the Foster County Courthouse in Carrington, North Dakota.  The newly elected commission chairman, Bill Bauer, announced standards which he wants the commission meetings to follow under his chairmanship.  He specifically mentioned the following standards: A person must be on the agenda to speak at a meeting.  There will be no bashing during the meetings, and no outbursts will be allowed.   Issues must be personal to the speaker, and no hearsay statements about others will be allowed.  Criminal issues should be reported to law enforcement, not to the commissioners meetings.  Complaints about a commissioner should be addressed through the recall process, or speak to that commissioner personally.  Complaints about a hired employee should be addressed to the person's supervisor, not to the commission.  Bauer emphasized that the commissioners have a lot of business to cover during the meetings and a lot of decisions to make.

After the minutes from past meetings were read and signed, Chairman Bauer introduced Casey Cables as the newly elected auditor of Foster County and officially gave her the oath of office.  The commissioners welcomed Casey aboard, and Bauer said he looked forward to working with her and her assistant, Heather Martin.

Overall the meeting went very well - other than an outburst from Dean Tracy who was escorted from the meeting for not following the standards announced by Chairman Bauer.

At the end of the meeting, after a lot of county business was taken care of and all the bills were paid, Commissioner Les Greger turned in his resignation from his official capacity as commissioner of Foster County.

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