News, descriptions, comments, opinions about Carrington (Foster County), North Dakota and surrounding areas. This blog was created to supplement CarringtonNews.Com and to give local residents an outlet to express their opinions regarding the attractions, events, sports, politics of the area.
Sunday, June 28, 2015
Thursday, June 18, 2015
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Bill Bauer Submitted His Resignation to the Foster County Commission |
As you know, and sad to report, Chairman Bill Bauer has recently had to resign his position because of serious health issues, The community is lucky that Bauer has served this long, because since his election in Novermber, 2014, Commissioner Bauer has managed to help straighten out many of the problems which were taking place at the Courthouse. Commissioner Jim Carr expressed his appreciation for Bauer's exceptional service and asked if he could possibly stay until November. Bauer explained that he would like to stay on, but his doctor has encouraged him to resign because of recent health issues, and his family agrees that he should resign and focus on getting well.
After some discussion about how to choose the next Foster County commissioner, Jim Carr and Pat Copenhaver voted to let community members who are interested and qualified have a chance to serve as commissioner until the next election. All a person has to do is submit an up-to-date resume giving their qualifications for the position and turn it in to Auditor Casey Cables' office at the courthouse. The commissioners will review the resumes, make a decision, and announce the person of their choice as soon as possible.
As Jim Carr expressed, this method takes away the stress of the present commissioners trying to find a qualified candidate,and talk them into taking the job. This way, they will know that the applicants are truly interested in being a commissioner.... without someone pressing them take the position.
So, if you are truly interested in becoming a Foster County commissoner, here's your chance! More details about how to apply for this position will be posted in the next Foster County Independent.
NOTE: As someone who has applied for professional jobs and has served on hiring committees, I would like to suggest that you attach a personal letter to your resume, explaining why you would like to be a Foster County Commissioner. I don't know if the commission will ask for that, but it's an excellent thing to do. (Just be sure to have someone proofread it for you.) Express some of your personal values and tell what you would like to accomplish for the community. And... best wishes to you! ~Judy Keller
Wednesday, June 17, 2015
UPDATE June 16, 2015: Texted Threats against Foster County Official
On Saturday, June 6, 2015, posted an article about death threats being made against Foster County Recorder Lynelle Hoppe. To summarize, those threats were made by a group of people texting each other, while their messages were going to an official Foster County phone number previously used by Ex-Auditor/Emergency Manager Teresa Risovi. The texters were past employees of Foster County who had either resigned or were fired from their positions at the Courthouse, as well as one elected officer who had resigned recently.
On June 6, 2015, we published part of this public record which included the texted death threats and phone numbers of the people who made them. Many members of the Carrington community reacted strongly to these threatening texts, and wanted to know what was going to be done about the situation.
Foster County Sheriff Mattice conducted an investigation and gave his report to State's Attorney Paul Murphy whose job it is to prosecute matters of this nature - if necessary. Mr. Murphy informed us that due to the fact that this matter "involved courthouse personnel as victim and alleged defendant, the Foster County States Attorneyss office must turn the matter over to a conflict attorney" - meaning that he could not prosecute the case.
Today, Tuesday, June 16, 2015, at the Foster County Commission meeting, community-member Ted Keller reminded the commissioners that one of the texters who had threatened Recorder Hoppe was still working upstairs at the courthouse where she had threatened to throw Ms. Hoppe "over the railing." Called the "Stalker" by this group (whose members wanted to "hit the bitch in the parking lot" and "lay on the overpass" and "sniper her"), this is the employee who said in the text "Maybe i should follow her over noon hour!!!!"
Listen to Ted Keller in the video as he asks the commission what is being done about this employee.
Sunday, June 7, 2015
Elected Foster County Official Subject of Threatening Text Messages
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Foster County Recorder Lynelle Hoppe |
Around last Thursday, June 4, 2015, new Emergency Manager Jess Earle received a text message thread from a group of people. The phone she received the messages on was the Foster County Emergency Manager's cell phone which was previously used by Emergency Manager Teresa Risovi. These messages became a public record when they were transmitted to a County-owned phone.
Although the person being threatened was never referred to by name, it's easy to conclude that the only person they could be referring to is County Recorder Lynelle Hoppe.
One party In these messages refers to throwing Recorder Hoppe over the railing in the Courthouse. "I hope so. Shoulda threw her over the railing. Dangit." This message was sent from phone number 701-307-0741.
The next message in this thread referred to hitting Recorder Hoppe with a vehicle. "I cud always hit the bitch in the parking lot!" This message was sent from phone number 701-652-5790.
The next threatening message referred to shooting Recorder Hoppe from the overpass near the courthouse. "I could sniper her.... I'll lay on the overpass." This text threat was sent from 701-652-5725.
Carrington News called the numbers above in an attempt to get statements from the people who were texting these messages. We were hoping to identify the texters and give them a chance to explain themselves. Only one person answered her phone, and she immediately hung up when we explained what we were investigating.
Note: We apologize for the poor quality of the public record below. This is how it was given to us. There are many other pages in the thread, and more participants involved in the texting which was sent to nine phone numbers. However, we are publishing only the pages with threatening messages. The entire texting conversation can be obtained at the Foster County Courthouse.
The following comments are from my Facebook site. Some viewers and members of the Carrington Community are expressing what they think about the above texted comments and the people who wrote them.
Jacob Earl - Time to call Fargo FBI. seeing as how cyber crimes are a federal offense. Maybe instead of calling them yourselves the Sheriff and the deputies should get involved also? If they are saying these things the last thing I would do is try to figure it out on your own especially if they are talking murder and vehicle homicde.
Unlike · Reply · 4 · June 7 at 7:57pm
Ted Keller - Makes sense to me
Ted Keller - Was this a crime? Here is the Century Code: 12.1-17-04. "Terrorizing.
A person is guilty of a class C felony if, with intent to place another human being in fear for that human being's or another's safety or to cause evacuation of a building, place of assembly, or facility of public transportation, or otherwise to cause serious disruption or public inconvenience, or in reckless disregard of the risk of causing such terror, disruption, or inconvenience, the person:
1. Threatens to commit any crime of violence or act dangerous to human life; or
2. Falsely informs another that a situation dangerous to human life or commission of a crime of violence is imminent knowing that the information is false.
12.1-17-05. Menacing.
A person is guilty of a class A misdemeanor if he knowingly places or attempts to place another human being in fear by menacing him with imminent serious bodily injury.
1. Threatens to commit any crime of violence or act dangerous to human life; or
2. Falsely informs another that a situation dangerous to human life or commission of a crime of violence is imminent knowing that the information is false.
12.1-17-05. Menacing.
A person is guilty of a class A misdemeanor if he knowingly places or attempts to place another human being in fear by menacing him with imminent serious bodily injury."
Doug Heinitz - Why not just call the proper authorities instead of being the Snoop Sisters and do it the right way. They'll determine if a crime has been committed and let them deal with it. It beats calling the phone numbers and what is that going to accomplishment anyway? Nothing! It would be like calling Duck Twacy, the famous duck detective. Be smart and let the authorities handle the problem. How my home town has changed since I was born and raised there. Sad!
Like · Reply · 6 · June 7 at 9:34pm
Ted Keller - This text is a public record since it was sent to a Foster County cell phone. The victim and the public have a right to know.
Like · June 7 at 9:48pm
Jacob Earl - Doug, I lived there for almost a year. I loved the small town feel. Not the drama though
Like · 1 · June 7 at 11:13pm
Mark Oster - Mr Keller. Most folks understand that. For the most part the posts of this nature are nothing more than entertainment. Do you really think the texts are a diabolical plan to actually hurt someone? Or are the texts a couple of people...just plain texting? Common sense should be used.
Like · 3 · June 8 at 10:43am
Hope Bretzman Carr - Yes i do think this is a clear threat. I know for a fact at least one person involved who is not mentally stable. Looking at this... Maybe more. For those who think this is entertainment you obviously have not been the subject of threats like many of us have. If you find any of this entertaining--- go check yourself. These people are out of control and should be stopped.
Unlike · 4 · June 8 at 11:05am
Ted Keller - Mr. Oster, I suggest that you test your idea of "entertainment" out with the victim being the president and see how it entertains the secret service. Hmm. How long would it take for the cuffs to come on?
Like · June 8 at 11:25am
Ted Keller - Freedom of speech is not death threats against anyone let alone an elected public official.
Like · June 8 at 11:27am
Ted Keller - Mr. Oster did you read the part about these people sending the text to a county used cell phone?
Like · June 8 at 11:30am
CarringtonNews .Com - Mark, do you think Lynelle Hoppe feels "entertained" when she reads texts like this from her co-worker and a past employee who used to flip her off and call her a b#### because she wouldn't go along with the underhanded stuff that was going on at the courthouse in the past? It may be entertainment for the textters, but why should Lynelle have to put up with a co-worker who is actually spying on her (for some reason) for this group. In another part of the texts, this Mel is actually referred to as "That's why we luv u stalker" by one of the textters (Phone 701-307-0178), and Mel says, "Maybe I should follow her over noon hour." These people may not have a "diabolical plan" to actually hurt Lynelle physically, but do you think bullying like this in the workplace should be allowed without any repercussions? I like your common sense comment above, and would truly like to hear more from you now that you have more details about the situation. ~Judy Keller
Like · 1 · June 8 at 11:35am · Edited
Joshua Dreher - I think the fact that a county owned cell number was involved in this is very disturbing. A person can only come to one of two logical conclusions: 1. The previous emergency manager most likely participated in conversations of this nature on her county cell phone in the past and found it to be permissible ...or ... 2. The people involved in this conversation chose to include this county number intentionally with hopes of the content reaching and intimidating the Recorder . Either way these actions are inexcusable.
Unlike · 3 · June 8 at 10:02pm · Edited
CarringtonNews.Com - Doug Heinitz - I notice that Sheriff Mattice likes what you have to say, and I do too, for the most part. This whole situation has been turned over to him, and I know he will do a thorough job of investigating. He came to Foster County with high recommendations and has been doing an excellent job. We want to apologize to Sheriff Mattice for "jumping the gun" with our article before he could finish his investigation. We just wanted to make sure that the community knows what is STILL going on at the Courthouse. Lynelle Hoppe continues to be the target of a past disgruntled employee who was fired. As well, that employee has been joined by others (a current courthouse employee called "Stalker," various other people who resigned from their positions at the courthouse, and some unknown entities) all texting seemingly vicious intent toward Ms. Hoppe. She does not deserve to be the victim of their terrorizing threats, and we want something to be done about the situation.
Like · Reply · 3 · June 7 at 11:46pm · Edited
Doug Heinitz - I must agree with Mr. Ted Keller that the residents do have a right to know what happens in Foster County. To me, if in fact a crime was committed here that all the info gathered should have been turned over to Sheriff Mattice instead of posting it here. It gives those involved a heads up and time to get their stories straight to cover their butts in case a crime was committed and when confronted by law enforcement. It hinders Sheriff Mattice when the kitty is let out of the bag before it can be properly investigated. I know everyone here has good intentions and love their community. When laws may have been broken and a life is threatened by assassination and being run over by vehicle the party that received the threats should have on receipt of messages turned them over to Sheriff Mattice. This is serious business and should be treated as such. Nothing funny about the whole situation and those that think it is, well that's another situation that needs to be addressed. I was born and raised in Carrington and left when I was 19. I have such fond memories of Carrington and hate to hear of this type of stuff going on there. By the way, love the website Carrington News, keep up the great work.
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